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Yet another Instant Messaging service

I have recently made my Adium useless by moving all my IM accounts to my beloved Nokia N9. While moving my buddy lists of all major instant messaging services, I did a quick check on each of the contact to see past interaction. It is sort of surprising to see I don’t actually chat with them as frequent as I thought, so why do I “need” my Adium opened all the time?

There’s a new app (in beta) released for Nokia N9 called wazapp, which is an unofficial port of WhatsApp for MeeGo Harmattan/Maemo (a port for Fremantle, which runs on N900 is coming). The main reason I installed this is because I got tired of friends asking me whether I have one.

The funny thing about instant messaging services is that we don’t appear to have enough of them. There was once ICQ was the only choice until the UIN gets ridiculously long. Then people switch to MSN/WLM or whatever crap Microsoft decide to call it now. Then it comes Skype, Google Talk and Facebook Chat, chances are, anyone who is relying Internet for communication purpose, would have more than one instant messaging service account, regardless whether they are being actively used.

Then comes the era of smartphone applications, which spurs the development of more applications which is supposed to make us more “sociable” and “approachable”. Aren’t we approachable enough already? What is wrong with just phone calls and text messages? Am I feeling insecure that people may forget about me so I keep on registering myself to new services?

It’s really tiring having to maintain so many instant messaging accounts and I doubt if I would jump into another one any time soon. In fact, I am in the process of pruning my contact list to contain just real close friends to ironically, and reduce my reliance to the phone.

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