Single Entity Component
So the previous section was about a component that lists all the entities stored in an array, and it has the ability to add in new one through a click of a link. Now we would have to actually display a form to allow user to edit ONE publication.
render() { return ( <fieldset> <legend>Publication</legend> <p> <label> title<br /> <input onChange={this.handle_change} name="title" value={this.props.publication.title} /> </label> </p> <Persons legend="Authors" field="authors" delegate_update={this.handle_update} persons={this.props.publication.authors || [{}]} /> <p> <label> Type<br /> <select name="type" onChange={this.handle_change}> <option disabled selected={this.props.publication.type || true}> select </option> <option value="journal" selected={this.props.publication.type === "journal"} > Journal </option> <option selected={this.props.publication.type === "book"} value="book" > book </option> </select> </label> </p> <p>{this.get_meta_widget()}</p> <p> <a onClick={this.handle_click} href="#"> Delete this publication </a> </p> </fieldset> ); }
We talk about this.get_meta_widget()
So in each publication, we can have a list of authors of arbitrary length as well, but we don’t do the listing here, and instead delegate the work to another component, and passing only handle_update
of the first form mentioned in the first section.
Then we also have a delete button to remove this exact publication.
Here is the respective methods in the container.
export default connect( state => ({}), dispatch => ({ handle_change(e) { e.preventDefault(); dispatch( this.props.delegate_update(false, { ["name")]: }) ); }, handle_click(e) { e.preventDefault(); dispatch(this.props.delegate_update(true)); }, handle_update(_, changes) { return this.props.delegate_update( false, Object.assign({}, this.props.publication, changes) ); } }) )(PublicationWidget);
In order to delete itself, the component just needed to call delegate_update(true)
without having to pass extra parameters to the function. It doesn’t need to know where it is in a list (because it was bound to the handle_update
OTOH when a change is happening, it needs to explicitly tell that it is not a deletion, as well as passing in the update to the original state. Good thing about the react-redux integration here is that I don’t have to worry about updating the input element because they would be reflected when a re-render takes place (I love this part so much I am going to mention it again).
Lastly the handle_update
is done mainly for the component that lists authors. You will probably see it in action again later.