Notes on codes, projects and everything
While the previous file structure works well, I decided to tune some details before deploying the latest WordPress release. Besides that, I also started a new theme development project after my last theme which was developed more than 2 years ago. Thankfully, everything seems to work so far.
I am currently doing some organization to my blogs. Few weeks ago, after spending months struggling to work in Ubuntu 7.10, I learned about symbolic links. Then I thought this would be good for my project file management. Therefore I started to re-organize my project file structure to utilize symbolic links. One of the projects that uses symbolic link is the current wordpress theme.
I saw this article from alistapart, which is about Javascript’s prototypal object orientation. So the article mentioned Douglas Crawford, and I was immediately reminded about my struggle in understanding the language itself. Back then I used to also refer to his site for a lot of notes in Javascript. So I went back to have a quick read, and found this article that discusses the similarity between Javascript and Lisp.
The Nand2Tetris part I at coursera is very much my first completed course. It was so fun to actually work through the material and it feels amazing to know how simple it is to actually build a computer from scratch. While it is simple, it doesn’t mean the course itself is easy though. I was struggling to get the CPU wired up properly that I spent two to three days just to get it working.
Another half a day spent on figuring out how to package my daemon properly, fortunately with help from friends over at #harmattan IRC channel as well as cckwes, I finally get the deb package generated properly. So just a quick reminder on what my daemon does, it is just a quick hack that toggles the ‘allow background connections’ on and off depending which kind of data network a user is connected to. Apparently I am not the only one who are looking for this, as a feature request was filed long long time ago.
In recent years, I start to make my development environment decouple from the tools delivered by the package manager used by the operating system. The tools (compiler, interpreters, libraries etc) are usually best left unmodified so other system packages that rely on them keeps working as intended. Also another reason for the setup is I wanted to follow the latest release as much as possible, which cannot be done unless I enroll myself to a rolling release distro.
(more…)Javascript is getting so foreign to me these days, but mostly towards a better direction. So I recently got myself to learn react through work and the JSX extension makes web development bearable again. On the other hand, I picked up a little bit on Vue.js but really hated all the magic involved (No I don’t enjoy putting in code into quotes).