Notes on codes, projects and everything
While the previous file structure works well, I decided to tune some details before deploying the latest WordPress release. Besides that, I also started a new theme development project after my last theme which was developed more than 2 years ago. Thankfully, everything seems to work so far.
Should have done this earlier, I was just being lazy to go through all the steps to publish it properly. So here it is, the full source is published to bitbucket. Feel free to fork the project if you are interested. I have not attach a licence to it but it will most probably be BSD licence. I have also uploaded the latest 0.0.2 release to bitbucket and would update the download link posted previously soon.
Recently I am being assigned to work on a FSM based workflow system to enable my other colleagues to use it in their application. I am rather impressed with the simplicity of the workflow system (initially designed by my Technical Director) and decided to post some notes here. The workflow system was developed for CodeIgniter PHP framework and Drupal CMS.
I wanted to try using virtuoso as the storage engine for Redland but unfortunately there is no librdf-storage-virtuoso package for Ubuntu. After getting some help from @dajobe, I attempted to build the packages myself. Although it takes quite some time to build packages, but not too difficult it seems.
Although my supervisor strongly recommend using JENA for RDF related work, but as I really don’t like Java (just personal preference), and wouldn’t want to install JRE/JVM (whatever it is called) at my shared server account, so I went to look for an alternative. After spending some time searching, I found this library called Redland and it provides binding for my current favorite language — PHP, so I decided to use this for my RDF work.
I was trying to learn scala and clojure to find one that I may want to use in my postgraduate project. After trying to learn scala for a couple of days, I gave up because I really don’t like the syntax (too OO for my liking). Then I continued with clojure and found myself liking the syntax better.