Notes on codes, projects and everything
Getting comfortable to asyncio takes a bit of practice, so I revisited a practice project I did when I was working for my previous company. Suppose I want to build a very simple websocket application, without use of any web application library/framework. In order to keep it simple, I also opt to just build the frontend with minimal setup (just plain ES6 without webpack/vite).
(more…)My cloud storage is nearly exploding, and I am not in a good position to start subscribing for more storage (Yes, I am still #opentowork). Considering I just moved my domain settings to Cloudflare and started using Cloudflare tunnel, I figure I probably should just back up some of my photos, and host it on my workstation.
(more…)Being new to asyncio, after publishing the previous post on running multiple applications in one event loop, I also cross posted it to the discussion board for feedback. So apparently instead of cramming everything to the same event loop, it would be better if each application run on a separate thread. That makes sense, considering all the code that was written for that.
(more…)I used to develop a bot, partly for work, that fetches current latest petrol retail price in Malaysia. The bot was really an experiment, but at the time it worked well. Then a few years later, out of boredom, I revisited the project after finding the telegram bot library is moving towards asyncio. It was great (at least a lot of people rave about it), but also at the same time intimidating, I learned about coroutines and used gevent in the past, but not asyncio itself.
(more…)It is very much expected that there will be endless stream of new (and often times better) tools introduced to solve the same set of problems. While I am slowly resuming my programming work, and in the process of reviving my very much dead postgrad project, I found some alternative to the tools I had used in the past. I suppose I shall just jot them down here so that there’s a reference for later use.
Although my supervisor strongly recommend using JENA for RDF related work, but as I really don’t like Java (just personal preference), and wouldn’t want to install JRE/JVM (whatever it is called) at my shared server account, so I went to look for an alternative. After spending some time searching, I found this library called Redland and it provides binding for my current favorite language — PHP, so I decided to use this for my RDF work.
To do node selection for DOM operations, one typically uses CSS selectors as (probably) popularized by jQuery. However, there is another alternative that is as powerful if not better known as XPath. XPath may be able to do a lot more than just selecting node (which I have no time to find out for now) but I will just focus on how to do node selection in this blog post.
While following through the Statistical Learning course, I came across this part on doing regression with boosting. Then reading through the material, and going through it makes me wonder, the same method may be adapted to Erik Bernhardsson‘s annoy algorithm.
(more…)A really sweet new feature in the recently released update is the ability to change lockscreen shortcut. Unfortunately there is no easy way to change connection with my Jolla unlike my old Nokia N9 (no pun intended). As I have not been using my N9 for quite some time, I was only reminded when I came across this thread on TMO.