Notes on codes, projects and everything
I have been following this excellent guide written by Benjamin Thomas to set up my virtual machine for development purpose. However, when I am starting to configure a Ubuntu Quantal alpha machine, parts of the guide became inapplicable. Hence, this post is written as a small revision to the previously mentioned guide.
Should have done this earlier, I was just being lazy to go through all the steps to publish it properly. So here it is, the full source is published to bitbucket. Feel free to fork the project if you are interested. I have not attach a licence to it but it will most probably be BSD licence. I have also uploaded the latest 0.0.2 release to bitbucket and would update the download link posted previously soon.
Ever wanted to find the number of days between two dates without counting weekend (Saturdays and Sundays)? In PHP you typically needs to do a lot of calculation and a lot of factors needs to be considered. Therefore, in the end you will end up having a whole bunch of code that you will probably start asking yourself whether you are programming a web-calendar or something similar.
My cloud storage is nearly exploding, and I am not in a good position to start subscribing for more storage (Yes, I am still #opentowork). Considering I just moved my domain settings to Cloudflare and started using Cloudflare tunnel, I figure I probably should just back up some of my photos, and host it on my workstation.
(more…)The Sports Tracker app for my awesome Nokia N9 is not receiving any updates and doesn’t look like things are going to change any time soon. Recently the development team at Sports Tracker published a status update post and sadly there’s no mention of N9 port at all. It’s really sad considering how incomplete the N9 port is at the moment (horrible GPS positioning, no pedometer to name a few).
The Nand2Tetris part I at coursera is very much my first completed course. It was so fun to actually work through the material and it feels amazing to know how simple it is to actually build a computer from scratch. While it is simple, it doesn’t mean the course itself is easy though. I was struggling to get the CPU wired up properly that I spent two to three days just to get it working.