Notes on codes, projects and everything
While working on a text classification task, I spent quite some time preparing the training set for a given document collection. The project is supposed to be a pure golang implementation, so after some quick searching I found some libraries that are either a wrapper to libsvm, or a re-implementation. So I happily started to prepare my training set in the libsvm format.
I like how Kohana 3 organizes the classes, and I thought the same thing may be applied to my Zend Framework experimental project. Basically what this means is that I can name the controller class according to PEAR naming convention, and deduce the location of the file by just parsing the class name.
Another half a day spent on figuring out how to package my daemon properly, fortunately with help from friends over at #harmattan IRC channel as well as cckwes, I finally get the deb package generated properly. So just a quick reminder on what my daemon does, it is just a quick hack that toggles the ‘allow background connections’ on and off depending which kind of data network a user is connected to. Apparently I am not the only one who are looking for this, as a feature request was filed long long time ago.
While following through the Statistical Learning course, I came across this part on doing regression with boosting. Then reading through the material, and going through it makes me wonder, the same method may be adapted to Erik Bernhardsson‘s annoy algorithm.
(more…)Back then in college, we were given a lot of programming practices. These questions usually shows a desired output format, and we were required to write a program to print out the exact thing. Usually it involves printing a matrix of numbers, or symbols etc. For these problems, usually a loop structure or two should solve the problem.
When one start writting Javascript in patterns like the module pattern, then sooner or later he would want to maintain the state when an event handler is called. The reason I am still using YUI to handle my event handling code is because I like how state can be maintained.