Notes on codes, projects and everything
Ever wanted to find the number of days between two dates without counting weekend (Saturdays and Sundays)? In PHP you typically needs to do a lot of calculation and a lot of factors needs to be considered. Therefore, in the end you will end up having a whole bunch of code that you will probably start asking yourself whether you are programming a web-calendar or something similar.
Everyone knows folksonomy is (or was) cool and useful, however, when it is applied in real life, then problem arises. The idea of blogging this came while I am struggling to get my literature review report done (been doing it for months, I am being so ridiculous, I know). As a matter of fact, as I am dying to get it done, there are a couple of things that I found to be blog-worthy. So, I will be publishing a couple of brief overview to some of the topics involved in the coming days in a really casual (read: lazy, and full of personal speculations) way to this very humble little blog of mine.
Being new to asyncio, after publishing the previous post on running multiple applications in one event loop, I also cross posted it to the discussion board for feedback. So apparently instead of cramming everything to the same event loop, it would be better if each application run on a separate thread. That makes sense, considering all the code that was written for that.
(more…)When one start writting Javascript in patterns like the module pattern, then sooner or later he would want to maintain the state when an event handler is called. The reason I am still using YUI to handle my event handling code is because I like how state can be maintained.
I like how Kohana 3 organizes the classes, and I thought the same thing may be applied to my Zend Framework experimental project. Basically what this means is that I can name the controller class according to PEAR naming convention, and deduce the location of the file by just parsing the class name.
Back then in college, we were given a lot of programming practices. These questions usually shows a desired output format, and we were required to write a program to print out the exact thing. Usually it involves printing a matrix of numbers, or symbols etc. For these problems, usually a loop structure or two should solve the problem.