Notes on codes, projects and everything
As the name implies, Resource Definition Framework, or RDF in short, is a language to represent information about resources in world wide web. Information that can be represented is mostly metadata like title (assuming the resource is a web-page), author, last modified date etc. Besides representing resource that is network-accessible, it can be used to represent things that cannot be accessed through the network, as long as it can be identified using a URI.
Back then, when I was still working on my postgraduate degree research, I used RDF, which was the preferred format in the world of Semantic Web to represent data. I eventually dropped the degree, and stopped following the development of the related technology and standards. Until I volunteered to update the import script for popit when I was looking for the next job/project.
(more…)This is the year I kept digging my old undergraduate notes on Statistics for work. First was my brief attempt wearing the Data Scientist performing ANOVA test to see if there’s correlation between pairs of variables. Then just recently I was tasked to analyze a survey result for a social audit project.
(more…)Should have done this earlier, I was just being lazy to go through all the steps to publish it properly. So here it is, the full source is published to bitbucket. Feel free to fork the project if you are interested. I have not attach a licence to it but it will most probably be BSD licence. I have also uploaded the latest 0.0.2 release to bitbucket and would update the download link posted previously soon.
I wanted to try using virtuoso as the storage engine for Redland but unfortunately there is no librdf-storage-virtuoso package for Ubuntu. After getting some help from @dajobe, I attempted to build the packages myself. Although it takes quite some time to build packages, but not too difficult it seems.
Not sure about the others, but the obsession to my coding tools is probably more than I would admit. I have just managed to do a dirty quick hack to manage my VIM configuration settings. While I am sure there are other people doing this, I would like to show my reinvented wheels.