Notes on codes, projects and everything
Just happened to see this post a few months ago, and the author created another cloud that uses almost the same technique to ‘visualize’ a list of countries. The author uses PHP to generate the cloud originally and I thought I may be able to do in javascript. After some quick coding I managed to produce something similar to the first example, source code after the jump.
Often times, I am dealing with JSONL files, though panda’s DataFrame is great (and blaze to certain extend), however it is offering too much for the job. Most of the received data is in the form of structured text and I do all sorts of work with them. For example checking for consistency, doing replace based on values of other columns, stripping whitespace etc.
After delaying for quite some time, I think I should start the project before I get bored with it. The project will be either hosted on this current domain ( at least for now and will probably move to another domain if needed. The site will be either a blog aggregator or just a simple article submission site that works kinda like digg / reddit, however, to be promoted to the frontpage the submission would have to impress the opposite group.
After shifting all my instant messaging accounts to my Nokia N9, I stopped getting email alerts via Adium. Therefore, when I finally remember to check my mailboxes, they are already loaded with exploding amount of mails (mostly junk and newsletter though). I don’t fancy doing my email stuff with my device, and don’t feel like installing a webmail checker to my browser, hence this simple little script is written for my phone.
Call me a cheapskate, as I still have not subscribe to a mobile data plan after purchasing my second smartphone, namely Nokia N9. There’s this ‘allow background connections’ option but it doesn’t care whether the connected network is a WLAN network or mobile data network. After finding out that Nokia has no interest in creating another separate option so that each type of network has their respective ‘allow background connections’ switch, I decided to make one for my own.
I was trying to learn scala and clojure to find one that I may want to use in my postgraduate project. After trying to learn scala for a couple of days, I gave up because I really don’t like the syntax (too OO for my liking). Then I continued with clojure and found myself liking the syntax better.